Sunday, January 17, 2016

Live from the Improv!

I have decided to look at some improv quilting this year and have joined a FaceBook group The Improv Handbook for Modern Quilters. It is based on Sherri Lynn Wood's book by the same name. I have to admit I have been feeling a bit stifled creatively lately as most  all of my current projects are pattern based. Don't get me wrong - I love them all but it seems that the maximum creative input I have is colour and fabric selection. 

So I've decided that Sunday is Improv Day. It is the one day of the week when I don't have to be anywhere or do anything requiring me to get out of my pyjamas - in other words "my time is my own". I'm not sure I can commit to every Sunday - but I did sit down today and started (which for me is 99% of the battle journey).

I also wanted something to actually "show and tell" today. So here is my Improv Handbook Journal Cover. Sherri Lynn encourages us to keep a record of our thoughts, ideas, sketches, project insights and critiques, so we also have something written in our own voice. We are the authors of our own stories.

Granted it is a bit of a mish-mash as I pulled the fabrics out of my scrap bag and just glued them on the cover of a notebook. But -  I really didn't want to "over think" it as this too is own of my biggest obstacles. So I thought "no judgement" just glue it on. Once I was done - I realized that the workbook I had selected felt too small - too confined -  already cramping my style. Since I was on a bit of a just do it binge I cut the cover off and glued it to a larger journal. And now it feels just right!

Happy Stitching!

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