Due to last year's semi successes in getting a few finishes in I thought I'd give it another go this year. I found by actually targeting a few projects for completion I knew where to direct my energies. I belong to a Ravelry group called Quilters Knitting and have found it to be a great source of support online (which is great as I don't belong to a guild). For the Quilters Knitting Group I have posted the following picture for this quarter (quilting projects only):
- (Top left) - Circle Game Quilt - 1/16 blocks completed - #2 in process
- (Top right) - Chatter of Houses - hand appliqué - 20/48 centre blocks completed
- (Bottom left) - Gypsy Wife - all blocks done - need to sew together
- Middle right ) Hometown Picnic Quilt - blocks done - joining rows
- (Bottom Left) - centre paper pieced Mariner's compass - what to do? what to do?
For my own UFO quarter I have included both quilting and knitting:
- (Top) Hometown Picnic*
- (Middle left) Chatter of Houses*
- (Middle right) Circle Game *
- (Bottom left) Viking Owl socks
- (Bottom right) Sandness Shawl
(*in both groups)
Well that's it for now - just thought I'd get my head in the game for where my priorities are!
Linked to WIP Wednesday Needle & Thread Network
Linked to WIP Wednesday Needle & Thread Network
What lovely projects, Judi. I especially like your Gypsy Wife and Home town picnic. Your print and colour choices are very attractive to me. Thanks for posting to TN&TN's WIP Wednesday!