Monday, June 13, 2011

Creative Stitches 2010

One of the best things about being a newbie to a new craft adventure, is that everything is exactly that... new!
And where better to go than the Creative Stitches show?
I have been to this show in the past, but I wasn't quilting yet - so it was all lost on me. But yesterday it was all different!

All the one hour classes are first come - come served and free! I didn't have a clue what to take - so I took sessions that used clue words such as "straight forward" "simple" "beginner" and "tricks of the trade" - right up my alley.
I went with the intention of buying fabric - and came home with fabric... and more! I am learning that rulers are to quilters what needles are to knitters.
My first session was One Block Wonder & More - with Carol Wasylik of Extraordinary Extras - this class showed the basic how to's of making a hexagonal kaleidoscope quilt using a fabric that has at least 3 primary colours. What amazed me was how a fabric that all agreed had a "sub optimal" appearance - was transformed to stunning with cutting, rearranging and straight stitch sewing. The quilts looked very complex, but once you understood the process ... note to self : look for butt ugly fabric! The book recommended for this technique : One Block Wonder - Encore!
Session Two: Rulers Rule  - with Veronica Longmuir of Veronica's Sewing Supplies. Veronica's enthusiasm and good humour was infectious as she showed us a non stop mini trunk show of ideas, tips, tricks and tools. It is small wonder her vendor booth was packed for most the the day, as shoppers looked for recommended tools and books. One book she recommended was Day and Night Quilt by Eleanor Burns - which discusses strip cutting and manipulation techniques to create a complex looking design (purple quilt bottom photo).

My third session was X-Blocks Templates with Arlyce Thompson of Quilters Haven. I went to this class to learn about templates. Thus far I have only learned how to assemble one block - nine patch, and this class was about using templates to re-cut simple blocks and strips at angles and playing with colour and design to reassemble. The recommended reading for this class: Once upon a time in X blocks Land by Patricia Pepe.
So - how was that for a super day? I learned lot's - got a whole new appreciation for quilting and quilter's and I'm just itchin' to get stitchin'...
...News flash! While I was indulging myself at the Stitches show - the carpeting downstairs was finally installed. That means the sheepless household living space is back to normal - and Youngman II can vacate my sewing room and return to his man-cave... I should be back on my quilting adventure shortly!

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