Monday, June 13, 2011

My first Quilt...

My Quilting 101 class at Freckles Quilt Shop was excellent. I almost finished up the whole quilt that weekend (topper, backing, quilting and binding) and was going gangbusters until Sally's stitch length knob fell off (may I say UGH???). But thankfully two days later we were up and stitching again.

 Getting ready for my first cut. I've never cut with a rotary cutter before so I was a bit anxious about cutting off and finger and bleeding all over my freshly hand washed fabric. We were asked to pre-wash our fabric before class. Apparently every textile endeavour has it's central points of controversy. In quilting - one of them is the perennial "to pre-wash or not to pre-wash" debate. I have already started reading up on the pros and cons. From my vast experience of one quilt and prewashing the fabric - I can see a few benefits. For example - both the chocolate and turquoise fabrics did bleed (especially the chocolate) and I had to set them both with a vinegar-water rinse. I can see if they were against a light coloured fabric - having them bleed later would have a very disappointing. Plus there's the shrinkage factor - apparently not all fabrics shrink at the same rate.  But - some quilters like the  puckering effect that occurs in washing the quilt after it is complete. And  - fabrics are treated with all sorts of stuff to keep them in good shape while they are stored, transported and restocked at the fabric shop and stashed in yours!


I learned the importance of sewing 1/4" seams - consistently. I was surprised how difficult that actually was. I strayed occcasionally and like much of my knitting efforts found I had to rip-it, rip-it, rip-it.

Apparently these little squares (above) are called "nine patch".  And voila! This (below) is my single irsh chain "topper" (are you impressed with all my new found techno babble?  It's like talking warp and weft / or worsted  and woolen - once you learn a few bits - you're on your way baby!)


The yellow check fabric is my backing - and before I know it... I'm quilting!
(Stay tuned for more....)

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