Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Bits and pieces...

Collapsible thread catcher with laminated bicycle fabric
So - since my last post I've managed to get a few things a step closer to completion. Practically speaking "completion" is the end game I guess - but  getting there is really what it's all about. The journey so to speak. (this is my cleaver way of justifying never getting anything done!) Making progress on an "in process" is always a bonus however. I'm almost afraid to tally up my "in process" projects for fear they will send me into panic attack mode. But "just for fun"...

Quilt a long at Miss Rosie's last week - in which we stitch , drink tea and eat cookies!
  • Gypsy Wife Quilt  - all blocks done - just requires the sections put together.
  • Christmas Stars Quilt - not sure what's happening with this quilt - I usually pull it out every Christmas and work on it during a Harry Potter or Hobbit Marathon - ahhh tradition! 
  • Hometown Picnic Quilt - Oh - SO - CLOSE!
  • My Small World Wallhanging (Started cutting all the little squares - but suddenly got distracted by the next quilt on the list)
  • Circle Game Quilt - offered as a class at my LQS - only 2/16 blocks done so far - me bad!
  • Autumn Quilt as You Go Table Runner - loved making this with a gay improv abandon - but when I hit the "sashing instructions" I went blank. (Note to self: You must learn how to do sashing. Going blank is not an acceptable oft repeated excuse).
  • Christmas Gold Table Runner - no excuses here - I want this done by Christmas.
  • Matryoshka Lemoyne Stars Lap Quilt - I loved making the stars - but my colour palette is a bit challenging - I think it would make a nice child's quilt.
  • Improv Log Cabin Bedrock Quilt - I started this as way to try my hand at improv block making - lots of bright primary coloured blocks with dinosaurs in the middle - another child's quilt?
  • Craftsy 2013 BOM Quilt - I learned alot of great techniques making these blocks. I didn't get all the blocks done - but there's enough there to move this towards a completed project.
  • Chatter of Houses Quilt - Yoko Saito Quilt . This is being hand stitched and is a labour of love quilt so I don't mind having it in the "in process stage".
  • Green Stitch Hexagon Quilt - this was my first attempt at hexagons (part of a "piece and love hexathon group" on Flickr - dated 2012.)
  • Epic Passacaglia Quilt - This is another hand stitching project. I did get started but bogged down with all the fussy cutting. Plus I spent so much time on Instagram admiring other people's #passacagliaquilt progress I made little forward movement on my own. (warning: do not go down that rabbit hole!) Things have come to an abrupt halt and the endgame for this remains uncertain (a mini not so epic mug rug perhaps?). 
  • Christmas Bells Applique Wallhanging - just needs the backing / quilting and binding.
  • Viking Socks Applique knitting bag - I started this to put my next project in...
  • Viking Socks stranded knitting project - because I like to knit and wear hand knit socks.
  • Audrey cardigan - this sweater is all done except for 4 rows on the last sleeve - now how pathetic is that! I had to quit when the temp hit plus thirty degrees Celsius and I just couldn't pick it up!
  • Tour de Fleece handspun - this is my handspun fibre project for this year's 2015 Tour de Fleece group. I need to skein one bobbin and ply the remaining two bobbins.

I have the fabric and patterns for a few bags etc but since I haven't officially "cut into anything yet"  I still have options. Soooo... here's the tally:
  • 9 quilts (the #passacaglia quilt status is not yet confirmed)
  • 2 table runners
  • 2 Wallhangings
  • 1 project bag (sewing)
  • 2 knitting projects
  • 1 handspun project
17 projects in all - anyone having a panic attack yet?

Having done a mental inventory and documented it I have surmised that things aren't as bad as I had thought. I like the projects I'm working on and it's good to reflect where I am on the "completion spectrum. It helps with prioritizing what I want to work on next.

Happy stitching!


  1. 17 projects isn't SO bad... I have upwards of 50 quilting UFOs!!! :P

    1. But I've only been quilting for 4 years! At the rate I'm going with my "starter-itis" I may well be at 50 projects myself!

  2. 17 projects isn't SO bad... I have upwards of 50 quilting UFOs!!! :P
