Saturday, May 12, 2012

Tis the season... for quilt shows!

I'm getting alot of email reminders this month about upcoming quilt shows... I only went to one last year - but it was stunning! The weather was glorious - the location superb - and best of all it was being held concurrently with a classic car show. Being the eldest daughter of a used car salesman (yes I really am) I have always had an affinity for cars. I'm big on fins and chrome. And whitewalls. And hood ornaments.

And so without further adieu - may I present a few of my favourite pics from the 2011 Rumplequiltskins Quilt Stroll and the Okotoks Classic Car Show & Shine. (I've saved the best pic for last so make sure you scroll down to the bottom!)

PS: Click on the pics for a bigger picture with great stitch definition and details.


... and last but not least - for the couple that quilts and shines together!

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1 comment:

  1. Oh what fun!! I just checked to see when the quilt show is this year! Thank you for posting.
