Saturday, May 26, 2012

Basting is done...

Good morning! I've been hard at work with my hexagons. I have basted the edges of 112 in all. I'm not sure if I want this project to be much larger than a lap sized throw and I didn't have a clue how many hexxies I required so I decided to lay them out to get an idea of where I was at.

I trialed the actual "daisy hex" look (above) which I thought might be a nice way to highlight the little motifs, but after looking at the pictures I thought it looked a bit cheesy so I reconsidered.

I also had thought about adding another colour to the mix to punch it up a bit - but the red flattened it out instead.  I think the black gives it the just the right amount of depth / contrast I need.  In looking at this now I think it might be great option for making an "I Spy" type quilt - hmmmm - future plans?

It took about 1 and a 1/2 hours (plus one beer) to get things where I wanted them.  I've labelled and re-bagged my hexxies and will start to whip stitch them into strips...

This weekend I'm off to a quilt festival for a bit of "walk & awe" inspiration. Day 1: I'm going with my mom. Day 2: with some friends. It's been raining and cloudy off and on all week - but the skies are clear and blue this morning. The goddess of quilty goodness is smiling down on all of us!

1 comment:

  1. 'i Spy' quilt is a great idea for those hexies! Looking forward to seeing it progresses.
