Saturday, January 14, 2012

A cautionary tale...

Last Monday I decided it was a day to get organised.  And therefore, I did three things:

  • Took down the Christmas decorations
  • Shaved my legs
  • Washed all my bloomers
In retrospect it was akin to a woman shaking her fist to the gods and daring them to send in the Mack trucks...

... and they obliged.

Earlier this week a new schwack of snow hit the city. It was a magnificent big fluffy luminescent  snowflake morning which came with an underlying bit of caution. Black ice lurked beneath some of the snowy surfaces. (Sorta like the alluring siren song of aquamarine white wave tipped waters - which just happen to be shark infested).  I hopped on my bike and looked forward to my morning commute. I planned to stay on the sidewalk, go slow and praised myself for having studded winter tires.  I was moving along quite well when suddenly... I slipped.

Looks like I have plenty of time to brush up on my crochet skills now... and time to reflect on the futility of trying to get ahead of the game when it comes to the mundane day to day stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, judi, I'm so sorry! How long are you in harness, poor thing? Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

