My annual November retrospective (in which I look at all the things I haven't got done, need to get done and then seem to still not do) has come to an end. It was a great week.
I went for coffee, and walks, and talks. I had naps. I did six loads of laundry while I finished my audio book. I made a ton of soup... and the soup was good!
And now ... my freezer runneth over!
Curried Carrot soup
Roasted Chile and Potato Soup
Spiced Mexican Squash
Winter Minestrone
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Okotoks 2011 Quilt Stroll - Quilts - Cars - and Quilts for Cars!
Today is Day 1 of my annual mid November "week off". I generally use this as a week to begin my winter preparations. As in - wash the summer clothes and pack them away; bring out the winter wear (which was a bit easier this year, as it seems the winter jackets, mitts, hats,scarves and boots never made it downstairs last spring - which makes me wonder where the spring stuff went) and of course make soup. And soup ... and hopefully more soup.
I found the video below on theDinner With Julie (our local CBC celebrity chef) blog as I was searching for a tasty Christmas pudding recipe. I got myself a little sidetracked while looking up Wensleydale cheese which I had (in a moment of adventurous spirit) bought at the farmers market on the weekend. A quick Google search took me to Wikipedia. The Wensleydale was recommended with cranberries, and from there it was a quick jump to Christmas Cake and pudding... and you know how it goes...
But I ended up at Julie's (did I mention she has an ultra modern slow cooker give-away going on? Which of course I entered) and lo and behold here was an amazing video on "How to peel a head of garlic in less than 10 seconds".
So ... what does one do when they have 6 loads of laundry in process, 27 pairs of sandals to give the nod or chuck for next year, a Dutch oven full of carrots,onions and curry bubbling on the burners, Inspector Lynley mystery blaring on the audio and a block of Wensleydale cheese looking for a purpose?
You stop and smell the garlic...
... and yes it does work. I tried it. It was amazing. And it was in less than 10 seconds. I counted.
Now here's a month for those of us living in the Northern climes ... Wovember! A month in which we celebrate wool - wear wool - work with wool ... and generally tell woolley stories about wool.